Frequently Asked Questions

Can't find what you're looking for? Contact us.

I'm unable to complete the selection of store cards that I want.

Check you are using the latest version of your browser. If you cannot reach the final page and download your vouchers, please use the contact us form and detail your issues.

I can't download my store card.

Check your computers downloads folder to see if the file is here. Use the link provided in your email to access the Suncorp store cards site if you need to download your store card again.

I haven't received my store card email.

Sometimes your email provider will automatically move these messages to your "junk" folder. Please check to see if this is the case.

I can’t open my store card.

Check to ensure that you have a PDF reader installed on your machine.

What happens if I select the wrong store card or change my mind?

Store cards are non-refundable and cannot be exchanged, please make your selection carefully.

The store card options available doesn't suit my needs.

Proceed through the site to the cart. Any amount not allocated to a store card can be transferred to your bank account. We'll ask for your bank account details and provide confirmation of the amount to be transferred.

I haven't received my EFT payment.

Please allow 3-5 business days for EFT payments.

I have a question about my claim.

Please contact Claims on 1300 230 608